Thursday, October 20, 2011

Blogging solutions

I have a hard time remembering what I want to blog about. I have great ideas but never at the right time, then I forget. Or I'll go to write X's monthly update and have no idea what happened. So, my solution? Micro blogging! Aka, Twitter. See it over there. Yup that's right, constant updates on my adorable baby, parenting and my boobs. I hope no one actually follows my Twitter feed because that could be rough. Now I can reference it for blog updates and use it to keep my blog updated when I don't have time to write an entry. Whoo hoo social media.
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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I know, I suck at blogging. I use blogging for three things: to vent, to whine and to document. So in the past when I have suddenly stopped blogging it has been because I am happy and busy or super lame and apathetic. Am I those? No. So, what is the problem? I have a 4.5 month old!! Holy fuck, it is like being a constant puppet master for the small dictator of the world. Constant entertainment, feeding, diaper changes, baths, cleaning and trying to eat and drink water. Plus clogged milk ducts, oversupply issues, synthetic material stink, finding pajamas that fit, sleep schedules, play dates, story time La Leche League meetings and writing letters of rec from the other life. Oh, and I AM GETTING MARRIED. Holy fuck. So, when the monster goes to bed, or naps, what do I do. Nothing. I look at my phone. I don't blog, or watch TV or read. I seriously look at my phone for like hours. Seriously, it is insane. I have never been this busy in my life. Mondays we have LLL and Otto play dates, Tuesday is library day, Wednesday is usually stay home day, Thursday is teaching day, Friday is grandma day, Saturday is seeing anyone with a job day, Sunday is Mike's time to go to Old Chicago and hang out with Scott, which shouldn't affect me but it does. Wait, that is only one thing each day. Don't forget the incessant laundry that cloth diapering creates, reading about solids, getting X to nap, cooking for Mike and I, actually eating and showering, researching carseats, learning toys and the impact of TV on little brains. Oh and we have a dog, and a budget, and I AM PLANNING A WEDDING. I miss blogging, but not as much as I miss uninterrupted sleep. Peace. Check out my ring.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.4

Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.4

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

What month are we on?

So, month 4 was pretty awesome, but I haven't written anything about because of the so called four month wakeful period. And Mike being gone a lot. And X being almost mobile, definitely being more aware and demanding a whole lot more of attention. So, I will try to keep this as a month 4 update, but realize we are at 4.5 months, so it may be a little blurry.

So, X man, at 4 months (well, two days shy) you weighed 17 pounds and 15 ounces and were 26.5 inches tall. Yes, that is HUGE. You also hit most of your 6 month milestones already and thoroughly impressed your doctor. They have cleared you for solids, but we are waiting until 6 months because of growing evidence of the causes of childhood obesity, adult diabetes and quite frankly, nasty poop. So, your sole source of nutrients for those 18 pounds is mama. Yeah. We spend a lot of time "bonding."

At the beginning of this month we took a trip to Estes Park to hike around. I am not sure I would say that you were a fan of it necessarily, but you tolerated it. You like to be outdoors, but driving is not your favorite thing and I am not sure you get why we had to go to another town to spend time outside when there are plenty of open spaces near us. 

You definitely entered the 4 month wakeful about a week before 4 months, essentially skirting all naps or tricking me with 10 minutes at a time. Nights are not horrible, but you want to nurse all of the time at night, like every two hours.

We still go out with Otto and Allison at least once a week, and you are very interested in Otto, although not nearly as interested as you are with the baby in the mirror. However, you and Otto will at least chew on each other and share toys. Otto is much better at napping than you are, but I think it is because you like having mommy and Allison all to yourself. You still like everyone, but in particular young women. You are a total flirt.

Learning how to sit all by yourself

You spend a lot of time naked and playing at home. Sitting up is your newest accomplishment, although you fall over after a minute or two. By your 4 month appointment you could sit unassisted for at least a minute though. Apparently this is still really early because everyone is impressed with it.

The Boppy definitely helps
Just a tiny bit of help from mommy

 You have also mastered the MMMMM sound, which you find hilarious and making smacking noises with your mouth.

We have also invested in a Jumperoo which you love, although it wears you out and makes you cranky if you are in it too long. You love all toys, especially anything easy to lift and put in your mouth. You also seem to be teething, no teeth broken through yet, but you love chewing and drool A LOT. Since you can't really sit too well, and you are too chubby for the popular bumbo, we had to get you another chair, which you like a lot.

Chillin' in the chair

trying to escape the chair