X is almost 14 months old. I am just now barely getting to his birthday post. He still hasn't been to the doctor for his 1 year visit. We sort of had a wedding and two vacations in the last 6 weeks. Yeah, and I am a slacker. We planned on this big birthday party in the park. It rained. I was prepping the night before and literally cut off part of my thumb, was in the ER until 1AM and back in urgent care the next morning. It was a rough day. We moved the party to Mike's parents' house, because they are amazing and accomadating. I didn't shower. Nothing was ready. It was cold. But--he turned 1! We made it through 1 year of not sleeping for longer than 5 hours ever (maybe 6 once), cloth diapers, learning to crawl, walk, talk, run. Millions of story times, 8 teeth, 1 airplane trip, 3 road trips, living in two places, lots of bruises, a little crying from X, a lot of crying for mom, probably PPAD, one military training, no ER visits (for X), no baby TV and lots of playing. We have 4 carseats, 2 strollers, a bumbo, a jumperoo, a rocking chair, a swing and a crib. Most of which he used less than you would think. But, he is SO amazing, and I am excited for the many more birthdays to come! (although, until he is like 10, lets limit it to just us for parties :)