Wednesday, July 25, 2012

the last week, in pictures

I'm stealing this idea from another blog. Maybe, just maybe I can update once a week with phone pics.

We did an activity involving cornmeal. It was messy, and sort of fun, and a b to clean up. Note to self, the patio is not any easier to clean than the house. 

We went to the Peter Pan park with Evie (who X loves more than anyone ever) and Louie and Shazlynn. Super fun day.


X learned how to ride his dino with his feet on the handles.

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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

X's First Birthday

X is almost 14 months old. I am just now barely getting to his birthday post. He still hasn't been to the doctor for his 1 year visit. We sort of had a wedding and two vacations in the last 6 weeks. Yeah, and I am a slacker. We planned on this big birthday party in the park. It rained. I was prepping the night before and literally cut off part of my thumb, was in the ER until 1AM and back in urgent care the next morning. It was a rough day. We moved the party to Mike's parents' house, because they are amazing and accomadating. I didn't shower. Nothing was ready. It was cold. But--he turned 1! We made it through 1 year of not sleeping for longer than 5 hours ever (maybe 6 once), cloth diapers, learning to crawl, walk, talk, run. Millions of story times, 8 teeth, 1 airplane trip, 3 road trips, living in two places, lots of bruises, a little crying from X, a lot of crying for mom, probably PPAD, one military training, no ER visits (for X), no baby TV and lots of playing. We have 4 carseats, 2 strollers, a bumbo, a jumperoo, a rocking chair, a swing and a crib. Most of which he used less than you would think. But, he is SO amazing, and I am excited for the many more birthdays to come! (although, until he is like 10, lets limit it to just us for parties :)
Documenting anything is hard, but the life of another human being is downright near impossible, especially if that little person is crazy active. I feel like I am going to miss so much of what X is doing and regret not knowing later, but if I spend all of my time blogging I will really miss what he actually does. I tried to make a video montage of his first year from spinets I took on my phone. I got through 3 months and quit. There is just so much stuff to sort through, and I would really rather eat another bowl of ice cream with whiskey peach compote courtesy of Allison. I don't even know what to say, except at least I have a lot of photos. X is amazing, and smart, and strong, and HUGE, and fun. He talks, and runs and laughs. He kisses everything, he loves rocks, splashing, trucks and animals. He is cuddly, and independent and stubborn. He can sign milk, more, done and please. That is all I can sign too. And creeper, but I am not sure when that will be useful. He did amazingly well at the wedding, horribly that night and magnificent on our trip to Washington. My parents dote on him and I think my dad would keep him if I'd let him. I love every minute with him, and I think I am finally getting over my PPAD and can leave him for a few seconds (minutes, hours--NOT days). He chases birds, and Ella, he sits down when he really wants something or if he wants to concentrate (on say eating cake). He loves to lift his shirt and show you his belly button, point to his ears and mouth and beep other people's noses. He is impossible to shop with and is not passive in anyway. He has no stranger danger, but prefers my mom to anyone, including me. He is just, perfect.