Although I complain a lot, I have had a pretty easy pregnancy. Or I don't know, maybe not easy, but just not standard pregnancy hard. I was sick in my first trimester, but other than that my pregnancy has been pretty abnormal. I mean, I hid it from my students for over 20 weeks, and most of them were shocked. Most of my staff was shocked. I still am underweight (although that is changing fast), I don't really look 23 weeks pregnant, I haven't really been into nesting, I don't really want to eat anything. However, I am starting to actually feel like I am pregnant.
For one, gigantore moves all the time now, so that is a constant reminder. Most of the weight I have gained is in my belly, so when I look down it is round. It is getting hard to bend and stuff because pregnant bellies don't bend--I never really knew that, that fat bends, but baby belly doesn't, it makes sense, but I never thought about it. I also have food cravings. Or at least eating habits that different than normal and tend to be really unhealthy. Let's just say the sugar aversion is gone. About half of my facebook posts are about food now. I am also hormonally imbalanced and therefore moody. I have been pretty easy going so far but I feel like that is changing. I feel super emotional in general, which is more like me pre-pregnancy. I just feel like the melt downs are coming. And the nesting, and the immense, sudden, weight gain, and the ridiculous baby purchases. At least I am more than half way done, most people have this in the first trimester and it lasts all pregnancy. Now we only have to deal with 16 weeks of this nonsense. I think I will go eat some pickles since I already had a strawberry cheesecake spoonbender and see if anything makes me cry tonight and how many rice crispy treats I will get down while actually in bed.
10 years ago
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