In real baby news, X is super into moving a lot. He had a slow few weeks and I sort of thought it was due to size, like he didn't have enough room to move. Maybe that is true, but he has put on some muscle or something because he manages to move a lot. He pushes out my belly button, which is comical but extremely uncomfortable since nothing has ever touched that skin before since it is inside skin. He pushes out on my side, mostly the right but not always, to the point that I am completely lopsided and look like I have a large tumor or hemorrhage in my side. He also likes to push pretty far up, not in my ribs. I think it is an arm, but I am not sure. It is long and thin. I also get tons of kicks down low, either in the back or the front. Like, where that fold line is at your pelvic line where your belly ends. I had it before I was pregnant, although it is a lot more pronounced now. I feel a lot of kicks there, which confuses me because his head should be there. The doctor said the baby was head down and even did an ultrasound. He said he could still flip--but it was unlikely and I would feel it. I don't think I have felt that. So, he must still be jack knifed and like having a leg on each side of his head, because that is the only I can figure that I feel kicking in both places at the same time and him having his head down. I just hope he isn't sunny side up, because that is supposed to be insanely painful.
In my news, I am freaking out about everything I need to get done. It is the end of the school year which has inherent loose ends at work (although my boss is pretty awesome and we talked about how to fill my position for one year while getting a good replacement, I guess it is good I am super qualified to teach everything). I also need to do a shit ton of laundry. I have a hard enough time making sure I have clothes to wear every day, but you have to wash everything for a baby. I was thinking of just clothes, but you have to wash pillow covers, blankets, sheets, car seat cover, swing covers, carriers, everything. Not to mention diapers that need washed 7 times. 7! Our living room has become a make shift nursery because I look at it and just get overwhelmed. I know I should put stuff away, make piles of laundry, wash laundry whatever, but I just look at it and sit on the couch and day dream about the baby. So I do what I do best, I make to do lists. I am an amazing to do list maker. The only problem is I make to do lists instead of actually doing anything on it. I also tend to be less productive when Mike isn't around. I haven't really seen him in a few weeks. Friday he was home and we ran some errands, but I didn't see him for the rest of the weekend, so it has been about two weeks since we were both home except that one night. I feel like a lot of this needs to be done together, which is idiotic. I can order items we are missing online. I can do laundry. I definitely can carry the baby tub upstairs and put it in his room. I get exhausted doing anything, and my back pretty much always hurts, as well as this insane pain in my pelvis which I hope is the baby descending into my uterus. But, I do have an amazing list :) So, I figured I would post it here and see if I can get it done. Lets hope that nesting instinct happens soon, as this list is sort of ridiculous.
Nursery: hang wall hangings, hang wall shelves, hang book sling (cut & paint dowels), put away baby items, put up decals, clean drawers in dresser
Shopping: postpartum items (fun times--Tucks pads, gigantic pads, etc), robe, diapers, wipe solution, baby items left on registries (a TON of stuff), queen mattress pad, pick out baby announcements
Cleaning: shampoo carpets, wash curtains, dust everything, clean windows and mirrors, normal cleaning (bathrooms, floors, dusting major furniture), wash all baby items, wash/boil diapers, organize cabinets for baby items, install light fixture in entry room
Actually birth stuff: Write birth plan, write/discuss friends and family plan, practice labor techniques, pack for hospital, install car seat, meet with Amy about coaching
Maybe it is my to do list that is overwhelming me :)
Mama News:
Your size is probably making you really uncomfortable. You're carrying so much extra weight and fluid that simple things can be tiring. If your job requires sitting all day, take frequent breaks to walk around and stretch your legs (if you have the privacy to lie down for a few minutes or do stretches on your hands and knees, even better). You'll see your care provider once every one or two weeks now. If you have other children, this can be a poignant time, because it is the last few weeks of being a family in the way that you're used to. Don't forget to arrange care for any children or pets for the two to three days you'll be in the hospital. Ask a neighbor to collect your newspapers and mail.
With baby's head pressing squarely on your bladder, you're probably clocking some quality time in the bathroom. On a similar note, if you're finding it tough to poop, load up on the fiber. Whole grains, veggies, and dried fruits (but not all at once!) should loosen things up.
Baby News:
At more than five pounds and between sixteen and twenty inches, your baby is becoming more ready for birth with every passing hour. He's the size of a small roasting chicken. His nervous system and immune system are still maturing, and he's adding the fat that he'll need to regulate his body temperature. But, everything else, from his toenails to the hair on her head, is fully formed. If he were born now, she'd have more than a ninety-nine percent chance of surviving. From now on, baby's growth is mostly in the plumping up department -- though he won't get much longer, he'll put on a pound or more of baby fat before birth. (He's about 15 percent right now and will be about 30 percent by full-term.) His hearing is totally developed (tip: baby responds best to higher pitches), and if he really is a "he," his testes have probably completed their descent.
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