It is actually November 27th, but I wanted this to be in a logical order and I just now downloaded all of these pictures, so I rigged the date on blogger. When I first took my pregnancy test I was all alone, on a Saturday morning, and Mike was out of town for the weekend playing army. I didn't want to tell him over the phone, especially because it was so light. I didn't tell anyone. I just walked the dog and then sat around all day trying to see if I felt any different. Then I went a bought a bunch more test. Then I took them all. Seriously people, just go with digital, some of these are impossible to read.
This one was the second one. I took it that afternoon. Do you see a second line? Yeah, not enough to be convinced though.

These ones I took next, the following morning, see digital is worth it:
Finally, I took one last one, after I had told Mike and everything. I was having some spotting and felt like I was getting my period, and well, I had it sitting there, so this was about a week later.
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