As of today, I am finishing my first month of pregnancy. One down, eight more to go, and to be fair, half of the first one doesn't even really count. So, who knows? Well, all of you. We have told my mom (I want to tell my dad in person, so that will be about 8-9 weeks), Millie, Rachel and I think Ella knows. Mike is telling his parents tomorrow--so that brings the count to 5 people and a dog. Oh, and everyone at my dentist office. I had to get my teeth cleaned today, this was scheduled two months ago, but I had to tell them I was pregnant because of X-Rays and other treatments. It was SO NICE to tell people. People are so into it. Everyone asked about the due date and if it was my first and on and on. It made it more real for me and it made it fun and happy instead of so scary. I am sure I will get over people asking as soon as I am showing, but for right now, it was awesome. We are waiting to tell siblings and other close friends and family until after the first trimester, or at least the first sonogram when we can hear the baby and make sure everything is okay. It will be a slow process of telling people because we both want to tell people in person. It is hard not to tell people.
EDIT: I am uploading pictures that I took months ago (I am 20 weeks now). I remember thinking that I looked so pregnant, and that everyone would know. I had even taken out my belly ring because my stomach was stretching and it itched and got caught on things. Although the baby was microscopic, I was bigger in these photos than I was prior to being pregnant, thanks to early pregnancy bloating. It is about the same as having a period for 3 months, with added nausea, in case anyone wanted to know.
10 years ago
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