Last night Mike put the finishing touches on the nursery. Well, almost, we still need a trash can and some stuff to put on the shelves, but that is it. It is so nice to have something done! We don't have all of X's stuff in his room because he won't actually use it there, so his carseat and stroller are downstairs and his swing and bouncy chair will live in the living room since that is where he will use it (we have to get rid of a recliner to fit his swing, they are roughly the same size :) His pack 'n' play is also in our room since we are using it as a bassinet for the first few months. I am so excited, I love his room. Ignore the odd lines and discoloration in the first two photos, I was trying to pan the room and then merge them, which worked okay as long as you don't look too close.

I am super proud of the book sling that I made since I have never really sewn anything aside from costumes before in my life, and his name letters that are hanging on the wall, I love them too. I actually really like the tree too, but in the pictures it annoys me that it is "floating," in person it doesn't bother me though.

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