No, this is not about Betsy, the cow in the freezer, although that would be an appropriate title for a post about her. This is about all the crap we have accumulated for X and what was worth it or not so worth it. I have wanted to write this for a long time, but just today X put himself to sleep (no crying) for the first time, so I am taking advantage. Okay, here is my list of invaluable items and worthless crap :)
Best things we bought:
Fisher-Price Newborn to Toddler Rocker--HE IS SLEEPING IN IT RIGHT NOW! Enough said. But it is really cool and it grows with them eventually turning into a little rocking chair.
Organization cubes for his nursery--nurseries get messy, these make life so much easier and give me a chance to maintain some sort of order at least
Cloth wipes warmer--I really love it because you can just add water and a solution cube and let it dissolve, add wipes and voila. Disposable wipes suck and they are expensive.
Mei Tai Baby Carrier--X is too big for a Moby style wrap, I can't figure out the ring sling and it is too damn hot for the Ergo with baby insert. The Mei Tai is perfect--completely adjustable, comfortable, pretty and X fits in it.
Newborn photos--they change SO fast, he is completely different than that little bundle we brought home, and as much as I wanted to, I was too tired to take a lot of pictures. These photos were totally worth it.
A gazillion receiving blankets--we don't use them as much now, but those first few weeks we actually ran out of them. We have like 25.
Breastflow bottles--he uses them, we have no issues nursing (besides all of our issues nursing). Does the bottle matter? No idea, but it worked so I am not messing with that.
Mother Love Nipple Cream--helped me get over my allergy to lanolin and possibly continue to breastfeed
Large wet bags--lets face it, you aren't going to change the baby in its room all the time, these are a life saver.
Diaper Bag--it doesn't really matter, but get one that you like. I love mine. Was it ridiculously expensive? Yes. Is it huge? Yes. Do I love it? Yes. Mike has his own. Get one you love, it will be your ONLY accessory.
Dinosaur Art Cards--no idea why, but he has LOVED them since he was days old.
Nice Play Mat--he spends a lot of tummy time on it, it is clean, bright, easy to move and as he grows there are toys to play with.
Extra Waterproof Pads--They are so much nicer than puppy pads for naked baby play time.
Gas Medicine--Seriously. This stuff is pure gold when you have a screaming baby at 3 am. I am not sure if he always had gas, but the medicine always made him stop screaming, so I am not sure I care either way.
What were we thinking?
Newborn clothes--these things go up to 8 pounds, he was 9.5 pounds, enough said?
Cloth diapers--I LOVE cloth diapers, but I wish we would have waited until he was here and tried a bunch of them. I am not sure we have ones that will work for him.
Black and White Toys--They can only see black and white so they will need something to play with right? Babies don't play. They want you, not some stupid, overpriced toy that is supposed to stimulate them. Babies are easily over stimulated, don't buy into the stupid toys.
Huge stroller--I am torn, part of me wishes we would have just gotten a BOB and a snap and go. The stroller is really large and he hates his carseat anyway so we don't use it much. When we do use it it is nice though, so not horrible, maybe just not the best choice.
Muslin Blankets--People swear by these, and they are super soft and big, but they are too big and get bunched up really easily and X gets tangled in them and it scares the shit out of me. I like the regular blankets, thanks. Plus, they are $20 a piece. For a blanket.
Ergo Infant Insert--it is a big piece of super soft, fabric to wrap baby in and put in the carrier. I live in CO and my son was born the end of May. What the hell was I thinking. It is SO HOT. It would be awesome for November babies, or those born in Alaska.
Pack and Play--not horrible, I just wish I would have gotten a co-sleeper instead.
10 years ago