Almost a month. I can't believe you have been with us, well out of my belly, for almost a month. I can't believe how much I love you. This week you grew a ton and had your first growth spurt, which meant you wanted to eat all.of.the.time. Mommy is still having a hard time breastfeeding, so that was rough, but we are working through it. You love to breastfeed, but now are not always as sleepy afterwards. Sometimes you just want to play and mommy misses out on the snuggle time that she used to always get. You also seem less interested in tummy time, but bath time is still super fun. You love to eat your hands and play with us. You are starting to smile when you hear and see us and make more noises to show you are happy or upset. This week we went to your first music class. You slept through most of it, then cried a little. Then we went to Amy's to visit and your cousin Rebecca checked you out for awhile while Amy held you. Everyone is so in love with you. Afterwards we went to grandma's house for the first time where you slept, and slept and slept. We tried to wake you up, that you did not like that idea at all. Then this weekend we went to Wash Park with Allison, Ben and Otto and walked around a lot. You had a hard morning that day, so again you slept but we let you. Sadly, dad went back to work yesterday and mommy and you had our first night alone. It was hard, you didn't want to sleep and mommy really did. But we made it through okay. Today you took your first nap in your crib. It was somewhat successful, you slept there, but only if I rocked you to sleep every 15 minutes. That is okay, that is the parenting strategy we are going with, plus I love rocking you just as much as you love to be rocked. Happy four week birthday little man.
10 years ago
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