X is getting so big, it is both awesome and super sad. He looks in the mirror now, laughs, smiles and plays. He also naps less and wants to be entertained more. He isn't usually great about just hanging out-he is either asleep or wanting my complete undivided attention. It is exhausting, but fun. This week we went to the botanic gardens and the art museum with Allison and Otto. X slept the entire time at both.
Overall his favorite things are the mirror above his changing table, nursing, sleeping on daddy and walks, but not in his stroller as that requires his carseat, which was invented by the devil obviously. He currently weighs 11 pounds 14 ounces!
We're also back in cloth diapers. We've been struggling with a rash, but it is getting better so we're back in them. I really hope it works this time, disposables are expensive and we go through so many of them. Plus they're so cute!
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