Another almost month. Really, why can a month not just be for weeks? Anyway, X you have been here for 8 weeks and in that time you have completely changed me and dad's lives. Dad has gone back to work more than full time so that I can stay home with you which is awful, but it makes it possible for me to stay home with you, and we both believe that is the most important. You stayed alone with dad for quite a few hours so that I could go to the doctor, and you cried the whole time. Thanks for showing dad how difficult you can be sometimes. Overall though, even with that day, you are a happy baby. You don't really like tummy time anymore, but prefer to sit up and check out the world. You are also opposed to being carried facing inwards as you would rather check out the world. Recently you have discovered toys and love a little cloth monkey and a peacock with different textures and colors. More than anything you love a monkey mobile that is a complete piece of junk. You have a very nice, expensive mobile that you sometimes like, but the monkeys, they are SO funny. You just laugh and laugh at them. You spend most of your day smiling at me, laughing, making faces and practicing sticking out your tongue. You grow a lot and fast, but in the last week have slowed down. You currently weigh 13 pounds and 7 ounces, 4 pounds more than when you were born. You are 23 inches long. This puts you in the very large, over 90th percentile reading. Today you got two shots, a DTaP and a HIB. You cried for a minute and then stopped when daddy held you. I think it was harder for me than you. As I write this you are in your rocking chair, playing with your peacock and laughing at me. You still dislike socks, but you hate being cold, so we make you wear them. Everyone who meets you loves you and you get lots of compliments from strangers. You are such a happy baby and just want attention. I could sit all day and just play with you. Well, that is what I do most days. I still have not figured out how to put you down and take a shower, but I am sure I will get there. I just love you so much little man.

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