I recently read an article about a Harvard study on responding to infants crying. Again, parenting is a parent's decision, but it is nice to have science back me up instead of just saying a feels right. Babies do not need to cry, ever, or get used to being alone. That is for convenience and American norms, which is fine, but it is not for the baby's good.
"Instead of letting infants cry, American parents should keep their babies close, console them when they cry, and bring them to bed with them, where they'll feel safe, according to Michael L. Commons and Patrice M. Miller, researchers at the Medical School's Department of Psychiatry..."Parents should recognize that having their babies cry unnecessarily harms the baby permanently," Commons said. "It changes the nervous system so they're overly sensitive to future trauma."
check it out here
"Recent scientific tests have revealed that babies left to cry-it-out have been found to have higher levels of stress hormones in their brains. This hormone becomes toxic at high levels, causing damage to the developing infants."
and here
10 years ago
very good to know. i think there have only been a few times where i inadvertently did let jane cry...she did sleep in her crib well after she was about a month and one night i must have turned off the monitor or something...i was horrified, it sucked.
this is great, love it!
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