Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

The Good

We had our 38 week appointment on Monday. According to my date it was actually 39 weeks, which is exactly where the baby measured. I have to say, I love my doctor. He explains everything in detail and really takes time to talk to us. Plus, since he is older, I feel like he has more faith in my ability to know what is going on and is less dependent on medical interventions. Essentially, I got out having an internal exam because he agreed that is means absolutely nothing. He also did a non-stress test to measure the baby’s reaction or movements, which X aced. So we don’t have to go back until May 31st, which puts me at 41 weeks. If we don’t have a baby by then we will need to schedule an induction. Come on baby!

We also went to our baby class on Wednesday. The baby’s head is complete engaged! I can go into labor at any time. I also learned more about vaccination schedules, baby wearing and some other stuff. I just like baby classes, it makes me feel so much more prepared.

The Bad

I still don’t have a baby, and there is a definite possibility that I will go past my due date. Some people may see this as a good thing, but I don’t. Since the baby dropped I am in significant pain and working is very hard—as is putting on socks, walking, peeing and essentially doing anything. I am exhausted to a whole new degree. I am also getting nervous about going over and having to try some alternative means to avoid induction—like castor oil, nipple stimulation and god knows what else. I am also having WAY more mood swings, some of which I swear is hormonal, but some of which is just because I am stressed and tired and really sick of being pregnant.

The Ugly

I think I have been losing my mucus plug since the baby dropped on Saturday. I have never been so excited about something so gross before. I am also not sure, since I have never done this before and I really don’t want to call anyone and ask them what their mucus plug looked like and compare it to my own. I did finally break down and admit that I will need pads, which is a good thing since I will apparently bleed excessively for quite some time.

I am also (hopefully unnecessarily) paranoid about breastfeeding. My chest has not gotten any bigger (which makes me a very unattractive pregnant lady). They say it is a sign that something could be wrong if you breast size doesn’t change while pregnant, even though if you are small breasted it is fine. I am not small breasted, but they haven’t changed really. My rib cage has gotten a lot bigger so I had to get new bras, but that is it. I just really want to breastfeed, and financially, we need to.

Please let me have a baby tonight. Please.

1 comment:

Carmella said...

my boobs didn't change sizes either (at all), so please don't worry! Breastfeeding, even if it's difficult at first, will definitely work out for you, so don't worry. Don't stop trying to get him to latch for long...he might want to eat every hour or so in the first week because he has such a tiny stomach. If he latches right off the bat and doesn't have any trouble latching then you're all set. Make sure they check him for tongue tie (it's where their tongues have a little extra skin attaching them to the bottom of their mouths), and if they don't and you find that you're having tons of pain after a couple of weeks, then you can have your pedi check then. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE call me any time of day if you get frustrated. I had a couple great supports (my sister and a friend I work with) who just listened to me cry when I thought she wasn't getting any milk (even if you try pumping and nothing comes out, the baby is still getting milk, they're pros at it). Think of it this way, mom's can not breastfeed after their baby is born and still be able to get their milk in months after weaning and start breastfeeding again.

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