Thursday, January 20, 2011

Huge much?

In the last week, really just over the weekend, I grew like four inches across my belly. It was weird. Today I noticed that my boobs are also gigantic. I look pregnant instead of just fat! Yay!! I am also gaining weight at a rapid pass, so I may need to slow down a little on the peanut butter crackers and lucky charms. On the down side, my trusty weekly baby updates are now based on month. Boo. Essentially, baby is just growing now. So, as my pregnancy gets more fun for me, for baby it is just about getting bigger, which is sort of ridiculous.

The nursery is also coming along. I bought the crib bedding online and Mike and I are picking up a new dresser on Saturday that will double as a changing table. I also found a nice glider and ottoman on craigslist for dirt cheap, we will see if I actually get it. After we get the furniture in we will put up the wall decals, a tree and some monkeys, and get some curtains. I am leaning towards tan curtains just because we have so much going on, but at BRU there are the CUTEST leaf curtains, so I am still deciding. I want the closet and window curtains to match so that the room looks more put together. At the same time, I am afraid it will look too matchy. I suppose I will just wait until everything else is in and then pick.

We also went to a cloth diaper class. I already knew most of it, but it was reassuring and Mike got to see what I have been rambling about for the last five months. I LOVE cloth diapers, and cannot imagine using disposable ones for so many reasons. However, Mike and I don't agree on the actual diapers. I like prefolds and covers for newborns, and he likes pockets. I think we will get some of each, definitely one size pockets for the baby after he is over 15 pounds and probably a few all-in-ones for night time, but for a newborn I think we need sized diapers. I would really like prefolds and sized covers, I think Mike would rather have sized pockets or fitteds. I guess fitteds need covers too, so investing in a few prefolds wouldn't really cost anything more since they are so cheap. So for the newborn we will get a few covers that will work with Kissaluvs 0 and prefolds, maybe some lil joeys or something. When the baby gets bigger we will go with a combo of Best Bottoms and Fuzzibuns one size and maybe a few Rumparooz for night. If I like the prefolds for the baby, I may buy some larger covers and infant prefolds. We are asking for gift cards instead of actual diapers, so that way we can buy as we go and get what we like when we know what works. Plus, my mom gets a discount so that is awesome. God, I LOVE cloth diapers, I spend hours reading about them. I can't wait to start buying them. Mike on the other hand likes buying baby clothes. We already have a ton of clothes. They are so cute and little. I will take photos soon.

My baby boy is as big as a papaya:

Your baby is about 7 1/2 inches from crown to rump and weighs between thirteen and sixteen ounces—about the size of a small grapefruit. She is entering her fifth month of existence. Her fingernails are almost fully grown, and her organ systems are becoming more functional and specialized. She has a distinct pair of lips, and her first canines and molars are developing below her gum line. She looks like a miniature newborn. Blood is traveling through the umbilical cord at four miles an hour, fueling her growth with oxygen and nutrients.

Your uterus is certainly growing, but you can probably still bend over, sit, drive, and function fairly comfortably. You may have increased vaginal discharge as your pregnancy progresses. Yeast infections during pregnancy are quite common. Symptoms include redness and itchiness around your vagina and a yeast-smelling discharge, but douching during pregnancy is not advised. This is a good time to have your iron levels checked and to make sure you're drinking enough water, given how much your blood volume has increased over the past few months. As many as 20 percent or pregnant women are anemic, and anemia can put you at serious risk if you hemorrhage during delivery.

Real estate within your belly is getting tight, with growing baby leaving little room for your lungs to...well...breathe. Expect the huffing and puffing to start soon. There's not much room for your belly button, either -- it'll pop out any day now.

Watch what you say -- baby is now able to hear outside noise from down in the womb. Studies show that baby finds gentle music and your own voice most soothing. Nipples are starting to sprout, and that little face is fully formed. And, baby's starting to settle into sleep cycles, snoozing about 12 to 14 hours a day. It shouldn't be hard to figure out when -- just pay attention to those kicks as they start and stop.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Um...where are the obligatory belly shots?

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