Monday, February 14, 2011


I think the baby is trying to get out. I have been able to feel the baby move for a really long time, like 15 weeks or something. Mike has been able to feel him since 18 weeks or so. However, it has always felt cool, now it feels....I don't know, like he is trying to come out through my belly! I think he grew a lot, I gained some weight and was really tired, and that may have been due to a growth spurt, but this is crazy. I think he is going crazy in there. I think he loves to flip around, not up and down, but traverse over and over. And I think he uses his legs and arms to propel him, so I just feel and see all of these things move as he turns. And I feel him on both sides at the same time, but not the top and the bottom. So weird. He pushes SO hard. My belly is just this weird lumpy mass and instead of feeling light movements it really does feel like something trying to escape. It doesn't hurt or anything, but it is not a "sensation" anymore, it is clearly a living being moving around in there. SO WEIRD!

1 comment:

Carmella said...

isn't it crazy! Imagine if you didn't know better! I bet the first people who were ever pregnant thought they were going to be killed by some alien growing in was so freaky!

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